It’s going to be a tough Christmas season for most of us, depending on where you live. Even if you are used to being alone, like I am, the option to go to a Christmas Eve service, a carolling event or any other get-together may be denied by the powers that be. So how can we find small moments of joy in these tough times?
One of the things we can do is dig deep inside, into our true core, our authentic, inner self. Sit in silence and listen. I often say Breathe (inhale), Open (exhale), Receive (inhale). And see what comes to you. It could be an image, a sound a feeling. Just relax into it. Your own inner wisdom may send a message.
Tonight I learned the power of doing this three times in a row. At first I received ocean waves and a beach (peace and calm), where one of my powerful spirit helpers appeared, then strange swirling beings or energies of color, and then a great infinity symbol in the sky of the same colors. You don’t need to analyze it, just feel it. I felt peace and joy from these images. Be patient with yourself if doing this kind of thing is new to you.
You may also connect with nature, even in small way. Blue jays appear in my yard and make me smile, at their beauty and their antics. Deer leave their mark as they pass through. Neighborhood cats visit. Even just seeing footprints in the snow can bring some joy – someone visited.
Explore whatever draws your attention, whatever animal, plant or stone, and ask what it means to you, or what it might say, or look it up online. And remember it can be something small. I have had conversations with spiders. Imagine and play. And don’t forget your pets. What life savers they can be!
We must be reminded of the small moments. I have a beautiful lodgepole pine forest near me but I have not managed to get there in over a month. I have felt my sanity slipping. I have ignored the two huge spruce in my yard, thinking I had to be with the pine, in a large forest. Now the spruce have reached out to me and I realize they can comfort me too. I can go and sit with them, under their boughs, and see what they have to say. They have already said they will support me and help me ground. What more can I ask? (Photo – my two new friends)
What about you? What can you do to lighten these days and find some beauty and comfort? It might even be reading poems, listening to music, basking in at the moonlight or a colorful sunset, or delighting in the glitter of sun on snow. Or is there something you could do that feels creative, even if it seems mundane, like decluttering or rearranging the furniture? I once vacuumed on Christmas day (a rare event) and it felt good.
Moments are all we can ask for. Use your imagination. Be curious. And always remember to say thank you for whatever message you receive, whether in your imagination, in nature, or in a beautiful smiling face.
You may want to connect with winter solstice too. It is really powerful this year, with Jupiter and Saturn together at the start of Aquarius. Maybe a new day is dawning even if it doesn’t seem so at the moment. What future would you like to see?
Remember your true nature – spirit embodied in the nature of this beautiful planet.
If you have any amazing conversations or connections, or if you would like help in discovering your own wisdom, please connect with me at
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One comment
Thanks Maggie, I love this. Needed this message today, helping me to slow down and be more present.