Do you ever talk to plants? Would you ever admit it? I think lots of people talk to plants. What about people with green thumbs? I decided to give it a try. Could this plant tell me why it wasn’t doing well?
My mother’s begonia plant was not doing well. Actually it was my grandmother’s plant too. I could get cuttings from a friend if I wished. I had been travelling all over with this plant. I wanted to keep it, to save it.
So I decided to communicate with it. The first sense I got was that it either needed new soil or a new pot or both. Maybe there was something in the pot that was getting into the soil and bothering it. I decided to start with the soil. When I repotted it I hardly replaced any soil as it was mostly roots, but I still did it. The plant started to improve. I got the message that it had absorbed the negative emotions in the atmosphere of where I had previously lived. So I also sent it loving thoughts.
Even though the plant improved I still felt it was lacking something, so I bought a new pot and replanted it. It improved some more and is now very healthy.
You can also connect with a plant and imagine it in a spot that is optimal for it and send it that image every day. I did that with some cuttings that I didn’t think would survive because they had been dumped out on a freezing cold street in the middle of winter. They finally took root.
So we can do the best to support growth in the physical world as well as connect on the energetic level. Is that not what many people with green thumbs do? They love and talk to their plants, even if they are not conscious of it.
Do you ever talk to plants? You may not hear words. You might just get a sense of what it needs – more sun, more water, a different place in the house. Maybe it wants more company or the company of a certain fellow plant. Maybe it wants some different energy from you.
Imagine the possibilities of connection. It actually can be fun and empowering.
I would love to hear your comments. What do you think of plant communication? Do you ever listen?
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