Have you ever found it difficult to let go of items that belonged to your parents or loved ones, after they have gone? Are you afraid, somehow, that if you let their belongings go, you will forget them? You will no longer have reminders of them? Does this resistance to decluttering your past keep you trapped there?
I have done this so many times now. I’ve gradually let go of most of my parent’s belongings. It has helped that I have moved around a lot and even been fairly transient for several years. There is nothing like living out of a car, and rooming and boarding, to help you realize how little you really need. Of course you need a little more “stuff” to set up your own place. And for me, I still have lots of books and some mementos.
For the last several years, I have been trying to detach from a piece of family property. It is piece of bush along a small lake. To me it is an oasis, a place where I can energetically connect easily with nature. There are many memories of childhood as well.
The realities are, though, that it is worth some money, I cannot afford to build on it and, at my age and being alone, it would just be too much work, physically and legally, to build, even if I could. It is a little too isolated as well and I likely won’t ever live near it again. So I think I may be ready to let it go. It has consumed a lot of my time and energy in recent years.
Connection to Mother Earth is not about ownership, or even a particular place, although we do resonate with some landscapes and places more than others, depending on our backgrounds and interests. There is a sense of security and privacy in owning, I know, but it is sometimes a false security.
When I communicate with the property, it has the following messages: I can move on and expand my horizons. Owning the property is could hold me back energetically, and I can always visit, in spirit and in “reality.” I can open to nature everywhere, wherever I may live. I don’t have to retreat to this particular family property. I can also communicate with loved ones in spirit anywhere. I need to gather new experiences and new messages from other places in nature.
Still, there are little twinges of sadness. No one said it was easy to let go of a beloved place.
What are your thoughts about letting go of material things to release attached energies and allow the new to come in? Do you connect with nature wherever you go?
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